As If Productions
TAKE 2019 9min 19sec
A film by Victoria Hunt in collaboration with Margot Nash
Directed by Victoria Hunt, Produced & Edited by Margot Nash,
'I am the house and the house is me.
I dance the history of the house and she reveals my history.'
Victoria Hunt
2020 Nominated Best Achievement in Indigenous Filmmaking,
2019 Special Mention: Australian Short Film Screenplay Award, Sydney Film Festival
2022 La Mama Cinematica, Courthouse Theatre Carlton, Melbourne
2021 31st International First Peoples' Festival, Presence Autochtone Montreal, Canada
Waitangi Day, Wellington, Aotearoa NZ
2020 20 20 Vision Dance Festival, UK
Places of Memory,” Indigenous Film & Arts Festival Denver, Colorado.
Asinabka Indigenous Festival, Canada
Maoriland, Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand
Matariki Festival, Auckland Aotearoa, New Zealand
St Kilda Film Festival Melbourne
NIRIN Biennale Sydney 2020 -15 Screens
Tampere Short Film Festival, Finland
ImagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival, Toronto Canada,
Antenna Documentary Film Festival Sydney (Australian shorts
BIAFF Batumi International Art House Film Festival, Georgia
(International competition)
RIFF Rotorua Indigenous Film Festival, Aotearoa New Zealand
NZIFF New Zealand International Film Festival Auckland and Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand,
Wairoa Maori Film Festival Aotearoa, New Zealand

Wairoa Maori Fim Festival
TAKE (te reo Maori: issue, promise, challenge)
TAKE weaves dance and archival materials to retell the story of the removal of the ancestral Maori meetinghouse, Hinemihi o te Ao Tawhito, from Aotearoa, New Zealand to England in 1892. It is a call to return Hinemihi, embodied by Australian born Maori dancer and performance artist, Victoria Hunt. Set in the liminal spaces between history and emotion Take unfolds a story of origins, whakapapa, traumatic events and colonial violence.